Bike Tripper
Have Bikes, Will Travel
Bike Trail Maps & Photos Galore
Biking in Manhattan includes commercial (deliveries), commuting, and recreational. We were pleased to see so many dedicated bike lanes and CitiBike rental locations all over town. The paved trail options include the Manhattan Greenway Trail which runs 12.5 miles from The Battery to the George Washington Bridge and Inwood Park on the west side, and the East Side Greenway running 9 miles from The Battery to 125th Street (with some gaps) on the east side. The two are linked by the Battery Bikeway at the south, and the Harlem River Greenway at the north (gap here, includes street routes). When complete, this will create a 32-mile loop around Manhattan Island together known as the Manhattan Waterfront Greenway. (Detailed map and photos below.)
Location: New York (Manhattan), NY (See map)
Distance: Various
Surface: Paved
Bike Shops/Rentals:
CitiBike Bike
(bike share)
Bike Rent NYC
(rentals, tours)
Blazing Saddles
(rentals, tours)
(rentals, sales, service)
Toga Bikes
(rentals, sales, service)
Waterfront Bike
(rentals, service)
Page Summary:
Many city parks have bike paths and trails, plus Central Park is closed to traffic on weekends and before 7 a.m. and after 7 p.m. on weekdays. Many bridges allow bicycles, we visited the Brooklyn Bridge. And because this is Manhattan and there are unending things to do and places to visit, we share some we enjoyed.
The Manhattan Greenway runs along Manhattan's west side for 12.5 miles from The Battery, through Battery Park City, Hudson River Park, Riverside Park, and past the George Washington Bridge to Inwood Park. The Greenway runs between the Hudson River and the West Side and Henry Hudson Parkways (Rte. 9A), much of it close to the roadway but separated by barriers. The Greenway is part of both the Empire State Trail (NYC to Albany, Canada, and Buffalo) and the East Coast Greenway (Maine to Key West, Florida).
The Battery (formerly known as Battery Park) is a public park at the southern tip of Manhattan along New York Harbor. It's a meeting point for the Manhattan Greenway, Battery Bikeway, East River Greenway, and Battery Park City Esplanade.
Another bike route from The Battery is the Battery Park City Esplanade. Starting from The Battery where the Manhattan Greenway and Battery Bikeway meet, the Esplanade runs about 1.5 miles north along the Hudson River, through Battery Park City (a planned community developed to reclaim an old, dilapidated pier area) to Stuyvesant High School where it meets the Manhattan Greenway. Along the way are residential and commercial areas, parks and marinas with views of the Hudson River, Manhattan, and the New Jersey waterfront.
We visited the northern section, from Brookfield Place through Rockefeller Park, to the end.
The Brooklyn Bridge spans the East River between Manhattan and Brooklyn. Pedestrian and bike lanes cross the Brooklyn Bridge Promenade, with great views of Lower Manhattan, The Battery, Statue of Liberty, East River, and Brooklyn.
Some miscellaneous views
The High Line is a city park and greenway built on an historic elevated freight rail line, running about 1.25 miles on Manhattan's West Side between West 16th St. and West 34th St. Bikes are not allowed, but the High Line is a wonderful and unique walk/hike with outstanding views of Manhattan and the Hudson River, gardens, art and special events.
We could go on endlessly, but we'll end with a quick tour of
other worthwhile stops.
More Biking:
Empire State Trail -
Manhattan to Albany, Buffalo, and Canada
Bike-New York
- More bike trails and information about biking in New York State
Related Resources:
Empire State Trail - Manhattan Greenway Trail
City of New York - Greenway Map
NY Economic Development Council - Manhattan Waterfront Greenway
City of New York - Bicycle Resources
Central Park Conservancy - Bicycling
Support and Advocacy:
Bike New York
Park Conservancy
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